For my 6 month Blogiversary I want to bring back something I haven't done for a couple of months. Mommy Moment of the Month! But I'm going to do it a little differently. For now, instead of nominating others, I want you to submit your best post of the month that is an example of motherhood. You don't have to be a mom to enter. The winner will get a pretty new button that I'll be revealing soon, as well as a little feature about your blog! So will you enter? Yes, please do! No specific topic this month except Motherhood! Look back in your archives for something you wrote this month or write something up (or months past if you want this time) that displays a classic "mommy moment" be creative and have fun! Feel free to nominate someone else if you'd rather.
And in true Future Mama style I'm gonna give away something special for any lady! A beautiful tile necklace of your choice from CarrieAnneJone's Etsy Shop. My personal favorite is this one:

In the comments section just let me know which one you want if you win (or parents with little girls you can choose one of her adorable headbands instead) and I'll draw a winner via on June 8th.
You get extra entries by letting me know if you:
-Have asked me a question for a Q&A
-Have nominated a post of yours/a friend's for Mommy Moment of the Month
-You follow my blog
-You have my blog button (now two entries)
-You subscribe to my blog
-You favor my blog on Technorati
-You Tweet/ Facebook about this contest
-You post about this contest (now two entries)
-Vote for my blog in the 2009 Bloggers Choice Awards (worth 3 entries!)
Good luck! And don't forget to let me know your favorite post.