This contest I decided to post about for two reasons... 1. I have to in order to enter and 2. It's my first ever Vlog (video blog) and I think it's worth mentioning, no?
I think it's also perhaps entertaining to see me in action, talking and rambling in real life, just like I do here on this blog.
Let me tell you... When I started blogging last November I had no idea I'd get so into it! I really just liked to jot my thoughts and fluctuating feelings about my parenting transition down in one spot, and it's turned into a place I love to turn for advice and encouragement.
Just recently I was introduced to BlogHer. It's a website that's about women bloggers, and a place for women bloggers to connect. I didn't know what the big deal was, and the name kept coming up over and over again so I decided to join... What the heck right? Well, not long after joining I hear about a blog conference in Chicago where all these women get together. No sooner had I thought of asking my company if they'd pay for it (not likely) had the event sold out! Of course that made me sad. I really was looking forward to learning more about blogging and seeing all of the things I can do with a blog... Besides just write here!
Well when I heard about The Blogrollers, and their 4th Wheel Contest, I just knew this was my chance!! They're cruising from Atlanta (my hometown) to Chicago (where I was born) to go to this conference, which I pretty much think that means it's meant for me to go. Maybe I could even fly to ATL a little early to see my pregnant BFF and blog about that too, oooh, that ideas! Oh, and Chevy is giving them a car to use, and they're getting hotels and stuff like that sponsored! How cool is that? I. Must. Win.
Keepin' it real though... (I'm not just kissing butt) I think I could learn a lot from these women hosting the contest. They're all successful authors, two of them journalists, and they all get so much done career wise, while also being moms. I admire that and I hope that a trip with them could help me learn how to get to that point one day. I could trap them and ask all the mommy dirt questions I can think of!! *Evil Laugh*
I haven't been this competitive since... I don't know when but all I know is I HAVE to win! I even ordered custom designed business cards from Danielle, assuming I'd win. Getting ahead of myself?--Maybe, but I call it The Secret!

Unfortunately, nudity wasn't allowed so there went that strategy! I had to leave it up to my wits. I imagine all of the videos will be pretty good, so I think it'll come down to what kind of person they're interested in hanging out with. Ummm, let's just say I'm cool. Oh, AND I don't drink.. Which doesn't mean I'm boring, it just means I can be the DD! I hope you like it and I hope Wifey, Chatterbox, Denene, and all of their guest judges like it and choose Future Mama! (Let's all use The Secret so they will ok?)
I'm feeling good about it... Not just because of The Secret either, but because I think I'm unique. Yea... I mean how many mommy bloggers do you know who aren't moms? Hello!
Let me know what you think of my video and my first ever Vlog and YouTube upload!! I'm not gonna lie, I was a little embarrassed. When I see myself on TV I'm usually more professional than this but hey, you've gotta let loose every now and then right?
(Added 5/23)PS: Some people have been asking if you can vote and what not. As far as I know this isn't a "voting" thing, but you can comment on my YouTube video so they can see people like it :) and you can always visit their page as my groupies and harass @theblogrollers on Twitter if you like :o)