Since I'm getting more entries than I was expecting, and because they're ALL so good I've decided I'm going to have a guest judge decide the winner.
So I introduce to you Danielle. I've told you about her before... Blog designer extraordinaire. But she not only deigned my blog, my business cards, and this new button for the award, she also just started her own stationary line! Her prices are fair and her products are SO CUTE! So head on over and enter her contest for some free stationary.
I also can't go without mentioning her other blog: Well That's Just Fabulous. It is fabulous, and keeps me rolling, from her comments on celebrities she crosses on the streets, to bad spray tans... She's quite entertaining.
So she'll be reading all of your posts, and pick the winner. You have until Sunday May 31st at 11:59 pm to still enter! (Don't worry I'll give you more time next month).
Just submit your best "mommy moment" post from this month (or a recent month) in the comments section. And no... You don't have to be a mom to experience a mommy moment :o)
I'll announce the winner later in the week, and then spotlight that blogger later in the month! Woohoo! Fun right? Oh, and now to the NEW button I promised:

You can email me with your link to your post babymakingmachine(at) or comment here, or on on my Blogiversary post for an entry in my contest for a necklace.
Whew! That was a mouthful. Well, have fun!
PS: My visitor still has not come to greet me, and I may take another test--Correctly, sometime Monday. But um yea, I plan on telling my husband of any positive results first, haha! Thanks Emmy :)