Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The Downside of Playdates - Germs!!!

I never thought about my children getting sick before I had them. I was lucky with Ainsley in that she didn't get her first cold until after her 1st birthday and then it was very mild. Her first real illness was the stomach flu last August which went through our household and to her grandparents and aunt.

Over the past year, we have had many playdates and have had a number of calls after the playdate warning us of illnesses. This has happened with school as well. We've been exposed to whooping cough, various gastro infections, lice, Fifth disease and now pneumonia. Luckily, Ainsley and Juliet have not caught any of the major illnesses thus far (we're waiting to see if pneumonia will strike as this happened over the weekend). Boy is this part stressful.

I hate it when the kids are sick. You can't really do much for them and they are so unhappy. Any time I hear of another kid getting sick I worry for days until we are sure they will not get the illness. Hopefully Ainsley's and Juliet's constitutions are strong and they will not get many illnesses. My doctor was quite surprised that at 2 Ainsley had not had an ear infection and had never been on antibiotics apart from the days after her birth.

Keep your fingers crossed for us!!