All of a sudden I'm feeling in a panic and sorta thinking "WHAT HAVE I DONE?!" Hopefully this is normal and some hormonal thing or else I'm gonna be left feeling pretty crappy that I'm feeling this way.
Of course I'm happy, I'm excited, I'm grateful, I'm blessed... But I'm also FREAKING OUT. Part of it could be work too. I'm working 8 days in a row followed by one day off... That combined with constant exhaustion is bound to make for some weird emotions. I'm talking feeling ways I've never felt before... More on that later.
My friend @mommyingaround on Twitter showed me this cool picture of what my baby may look like right now. I picture Spawnie being a little darker, but I guess skin pigment comes later. This was some high-tech picture taken and featured in this news article album.

I call Spawnie "she" or "Spawnie" and hubby sometimes jokingly calls our baby a "he" but we both think it's a girl.
But on to my 8-Week check up that I meant to write Friday as I hit 8 weeks. According to Baby Center...
Going on with Spawnie:
-Webbed fingers and toes are poking out from Spawnie's hands and feet
-Eyelids practically cover Spawnie's eyes
-Breathing tubes extend from the throat to the branches of developing lungs
-In Spawnie's brain, nerve cells are branching out to connect with one another, forming primitive neural pathways.
-Organs like the gallbladder are developing this next week.
-Spawnie is about the size of a green olive or kidney bean... Depending which site I'm reading.

-My bra is much more snug. Not just where the ladies are, but around my ribcage. Apparently I could go up a cup size or two... Wow!
-Fatigue is taking over my life. It's because of a rise in progesterone.
-More nausea
-Getting up at night to pee.
-My pants are getting tighter. I had to unbutton my size 3 jeans and wear a long shirt over it half way through the day. My size 6 fit ok now. I hear it's bloating from progesterone. Thinking of getting a BellaBand.
I'm fairly small to begin with, plus I'm excited for a baby bump, so I sorta notice every bulge. Ok.. Wait, I just finished uploading the picture, I'm definitely bigger. Call it bloat, call it fat, but I prefer baby bump... Even if my baby is only the size of a green olive.
Word from a sponsor: To learn more about being 8 Weeks Pregnant visit Pregnancy Corner.