Thursday, May 20, 2010

Hair Today...

Blonde and serious (and kinda naked).

I haven't colored my hair since college. I used to dye it all the time, starting in seventh grade or so, when my eccentric aesthetic was really starting to make itself known. My first trip to the salon for color was also my last; while I was sitting in the chair, getting chemicals painted onto my head, the stylist and her colleagues shook their heads and shamed me for electing to cover my natural golden blonde with pointedly un-natural orange-red. After that, hair coloring was a strictly DIY event for me.

The last time I dyed my hair was eight years ago. I went platinum blonde, and at the time, I thought it looked really cool and different. But in photographs, I just looked ridiculous. I swore off hair color for a while. Then about a year ago, I bought a box of henna hair color, completely on a whim. I guess I was feeling nostalgic at the time, because I chose auburn (which seemed somehow less scary than its neighbor on the store shelf, "bright red").

This is what grows out of my head!

I really don't know what possessed me to break open the little box of henna after letting it sit, relatively undisturbed, in my bathroom cupboard for a year. I've been a bit, uh, "emotionally tender" recently (as the blog reflects), and I do believe that you can take care of the insides of things by taking care of their outsides. So...change your hair color, change your life? Maybe.

So I put the henna on my hair.

Uh oh...

This isn't looking good. Maybe after it dries...?

Or...maybe not.

What have I done?

It's definitely a change. For what that's worth.
