momstown.ca is for neighbourhood moms wanting to connect for support, conversation and just plain fun.
Momstown brings you an online calendar chock-full of momstown specific events, a 24-hour interactive message board (perfect for those sleepless nights), and exclusive member privileges and discounts.
Odds are that when you were growing up your mom knew all of your neighbours. Your street was full of kids you knew and your mom invited the neighbourhood over to run through the sprinkler while the other moms had coffee and chatted. If a neighbour had a new baby, you were probably sent over with a hot casserole and the new mother would have been warmly welcomed into the folds of the other families. Although some social conventions have (sadly) changed, what hasn’t is the need to connect with other local mothers. It has always been said it takes a village to raise a child. We say it takes a town. Who resides in the town we fondly call momstown? Well, it’s moms like you.
What began as a small mothers group run by one mom has flourished under tender loving care by local women to make momstown the supportive, organized ‘neighbourhood’ it is today. Founded in August 2007 by moms from Burlington, Ontario, momstown.ca has now found a niche within many communities by providing moms with consistent activities and daily encouragement. momstown uses the internet to connect but our goal is to get moms off the computer and out of the house!
Momstown provides a unique offering for local moms. A membership is inclusive and offers over 20 exclusive momstown events monthly (per chapter!), an active local website with tons of dialogue and awesome member discounts and privileges from our partners.
The annual fee of $45 per mom (not per child) includes our events and social opportunities. An amazing deal that works out to be about 10 cents per event! Your membership will link you with so many local moms both in person and online and your social and support network will explode.
To join, just click on the communities page and complete the registration and watch your email (check your junk mail!) for your password and other details. Hope to see you in the neighbourhood soon!