Thursday, September 10, 2009

I Gave Myself a Fertility Massage

This post has been a LOONG time coming! I'm always looking for things to try to help with having a child, and when I found The Natural Fertility Shop I was IN. LOVE. So much information, so many things you could try! If you click the fertility Info tab you're taken to a whole other site that has natural fertility information about TTC and things on news, diet, herbs, etc.

I connected with Hethir Rodriguez, the owner and she introduced me to Self Fertility Massage™. I had heard of fertility massage before, but I wasn't sure I'd go to a place to have it done err... Before I was trying to have a kid. Hethir hooked me up with a Self Fertility Massage™ DVD but I didn't try using it until I was TTC. But now... I'm kind of kicking myself and wishing I did.

I think some people notice my blog and think I'm doing WAY too much too early, but I disagree. Why wait until you are six or seven months... Or a YEAR into TTC before you try something that could make a difference? What's wrong with trying natural techniques before you hit "the year limit" and can see a reproductive specialist?

I knew that I was waiting until I was READY to have a baby... Emotionally, mentally, physically, and somewhat financially. But once you're want that baby you want it NOW. I knew it could take awhile getting into it, but I wasn't going to let that fact stop me from doing what I can to help the cause.

I popped the DVD in this week, and by the time I finished I was amazed at how much I had learned. I almost skipped over the "reproductive information" section at first cause at first I was thinking 'Yea I've read Taking Charge of Your Fertility, and other books on the subject, yada yada I got it...' But I watched it anyway, and learned from it. It was really cool having someone demonstrate visually where all of your organs were, and seeing it presented in a different way off-paper.

The DVD walks you through step-by-step how to give yourself a massage that helps: Increase circulation, break up adhesions, and support normal reproductive health.

There were a could of times on the DVD where it said not to do it if you're pregnant, which made me thing 'shoot! I so should have done all of this before I was even TTC!'

There's also a really cool section on the DVD that walks you through self-pressure puncture. Like acupuncture but without the needles, and it shows you how to massage parts of your feet to help the function of corresponding organs in your body.

If you want more information about it, here's a quick video presentation about the DVD.

Anyway, I love it! And I have an extra copy for one of you lovely readers! If you're interested in learning another natural way to help with fertility I HIGHLY recommend this. There's a lot more information on her site too, so check out Natural Fertility Info and in the comments, let me know either a product you like from the site, or a helpful fertility fact that could help another reader!

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Contest Ends Saturday August 19th at 11:59pm! Good luck!

In other news... I start fertility yoga tonight! Wish me luck at my first yoga class!