Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Welcome to My Crib Mona!

Taking a slight break from the March of Dimes Raffle to introduce you to my little friend.
Not too long ago I was invited to join an amazing group of women bloggers and I became a Moxie Girl... A member of Moxie Media Girls. And I'm really excited for some of the things ahead! This event is hosted by these lovely ladies, so go visit them to see other great blogs after visiting here!:
Better in Bulk
Mama's Losin' It
Mayhem and Moxie

Scary Mommy
& 7 Clown Circus

Moxie Mona came to visit me this summer. She's traveling across all 50 states. She's been to the beach in Colorado and baseball games in other states. Lots of traveling and sight seeing with cute little families with summer breaks... But around these parts, when we have time off we like to chill out.

Most of the time she hung out with Snoop. They took naps together.

She had a bubble bath but she was naked and asked that I not post those pictures on the web.

Afterwards Snoop liked her smell... A little too much.
We went cruising downtown.And to the state capital.
And I was told she was shy but she made her first TV debut here and did great!

She especially loved doing the weather.
Then she was here when I failed my test. I bought the two pack cause she wanted to test too after all of the hanging out with Ken at Pulsipher Predilections, and wanted to be safe. She got a big fat negative too (though she was happy about hers).
While she was prancing around, happy about her results, I was moping, but she got on my computer and gave me an idea!"Moxie doesn't = Mope" she told me, "Moxie= Magnanimity" and she inspired me to raise money for March of Dimes. And even created this logo... Did you know she was a blog designer?
So that's what we've been doing since! But today we took a break to say hi to all of you!

We hope you liked our pictures! And speaking of pictures... If you have a cute baby/kid/pet you want to show off, enter my cutest baby contest!

Enjoy traveling around the blogosphere!