Sunday, November 29, 2009

I Don't Know Why I Do This to Myself

It started about a year or so ago when I found a website called Make Me Babies. A friend of mine had used it to see what her soon-to-be baby would look like. Hers didn't come out looking particularly cute according to the website but ya know... We all can't get lucky with cute kids.
So I decided to take a stab at it myself. I'm no supermodel or anything but I like to think my husband and I aren't BAD looking, and I married him thinking we'd probably make cute babies. So imagine my surprise when the face generator produced THIS as our child:While funny, at the same time it wasn't. How could my baby come out white, with stringy hair and lopsided cheeks? I won't go on with my opinion of this face cause I have a feeling someone out there may have a baby that looks exactly like this. In my opinion it just didn't fit with US. So I retired my desire to know what software generators thought our future baby may look like... Until today. And I'm not gonna lie, I went a little crazy.

First, it produced this child. My husband did have red hair as a baby... A fear I have passing down to our child. I've seen some CUTE biracial read heads, but if it looked like this, I may cry.

So I didn't give up. I had to try again, and not only that, but see if we could produce a non-white baby. No such luck.The lower one sorta looks like a son of the Adam's Family Chester guy, YIKES! Then I gave up with letting the site decide my child's complexion and I told it to make my baby "dark" so it gave me this:Notice how I keep changing our pictures hoping we'll get lucky? And where are they getting the big forehead from? Be honest... Is mine that big? Cause I was seeing a trend.And just before I decided to give it up entirely... Realizing I was 0-7 (and knowing there's NO WAY we're having even close to 7 kids), I decided to give it one... Ok, TWO more tries before giving it up.
Slightly better, but I hope my kids are cuter. I'm going to be honest here... I would like a baby girl but really all I want is 1. A healthy baby and 2. A cute baby. Boy or girl, if Spawnie is cute (not just to me, but like to everyone) I'll be happy!

What do you think? Does Spawnie have a chance at being cute?If you go to the site and make one let me know! Post the link in the comments, I'm wondering if it's possible to produce a good-looking baby on this site.

PS: Sunday is my Blogiversary! I almost forgot! Yay! Happy 1 year blogging!