There are some thing I'm still working on putting together and more ideas I'm working on. CSN Stores has cribs and other fun things, and they're letting me pick an item from their store to review. Since Spawnie got so many books at our shower I REALLY want to get some bookshelves. I think I may get some of these in pink and/or white.

I mentioned before the crib is up! I also got my mattress from Kolcraft. I spent quite a bit of time researching which one would be best for one and I ended up choosing a Sealy Soybean foam mattress that's firmer on the baby side and more soft on the toddler side, so she can use it for awhile. I read a lot of reviews and people seem to love it. One of my friends got me a mattress pad at my shower so that'll be nice to have too! I'll have a full review once she gets here!
I found my perfect dresser last week, it's soo cute and I got it for $60 on Craigslist. Finding it is quite the story, I'll explain later.

Also, you can still vote on my bedding from Artistic Sensations on The Real Mom TV, though with my curtains and colors, Tickled Pink is my favorite and thankfully winning by a long shot! I'm getting the fabric custom made into a beautiful frilly bundle. I can't wait to get it!

Now there are other things I'm debating on. With the bookshelves I'm getting I'll need some bookends to keep them up. I like these from Artistic Sensations, but I'm having so much fun painting things I may try to make my own.

I LOVE these growth charts from Artistic Sensations. I know she won't be two feet tall for quite a while but I think something like this could be fun to place in a corner near her little chair or something.

I have some stuffed animals up on our high ledge in the room. I'm starting to feel like everything up there is SO HIGH though, so I'm not sure if I should maybe drape something from there too, or what... Any ideas?
I can't wait to show it all off! It's come a looong way from the beginning. I'm feeling AWESOME now because I feel like I have the big stuff together and figured out but now I get to work on the fun stuff. Oooooooh, just 9 more weeks and 6 days to go!!