You're three months old now. I can't believe it. I saw some other tiny babies this week at work and you're not seeming so small anymore. You're moving around more, and squirming a lot. You aren't crawling yet but I can tell you're wanting to get around. I'm going to keep holding you as long as I can because I know I'm going to miss that someday soon. Before I know it you'll be running around and I'll need to baby proof our fireplace, nesting tables, and everything else.
You are really developing quite the personality! You still laugh and talk a lot, but now I can tell when you recognize people or things. Especially your daddy. I guess it's good you've been able to spend a lot of one-on-one time with him because I can tell you two really love each other. When I hold you and he's near by and smiles at you you'll flail your arms around, kick and smile at him. You don't really do that for me much, but I know you still recognize me.
When I come home from work you don't smile and laugh until I feed you. Then you just stare at me and smile and it makes me so happy to be back home with you.
We took you out quite a bit together this month. Our first date out together as a family was to Red Robin, and you just sat on my lap and watched us eat. You still drool a lot when we're eating around you, and lately you've been hitting the food from my hands. I can't wait until you're four month birthday cause you'll get to try some yummy dried food cereal. I've already taste tested it for you and it's actually good!
Don't tell anyone but you've already tasted watermelon, yogurt, strawberries, oatmeal, celery, and ice cream. I don't give you spoonfuls or anything but when I'm eating this stuff I'll just put a dab on my finger and let you lick it off. I did hand you the celery and you kinda sucked on it. You seem to like it all. I can't wait to feed you for real, and see what you think of everything!
You still like to play dress-up, but you and I don't get to do it as much. Your daddy does most of the dressing when I have to work. He's done a pretty good job so far. One day he brought you up to my job in your PJs thought but he said he had just given you a bath. I love when you come to visit me during my lunch breaks.
You found and love your hands now. You like to suck on them, but then sometimes I think maybe you stick it too far in your mouth or something cause you cry when you get your whole hand in there.
I bought my first toy for you. I said I wasn't going to get you a bunch of toys but I already gave in and got you some car seat rattles that are black and white, so you like to stare at them. And some bath time alphabet letters. You've started to kick your rattles but I'm not sure if you mean to. I'm still waiting to see you reach for something. I've told daddy he needs to keep practicing shaking things in front of you. I'm not sure what I'm thinking though because one day I'll probably be kicking myself and wishing you would stop grabbing things.
We're in for an adventure this month. We're going to start using cloth diapers. I'm a little scared because I don't like doing anything with poop besides flushing or throwing it away, but I think we may end up liking these better. We'll see. I've been putting them on over your regular diapers to see how they'll look, but I haven't let you go to the bathroom in them yet.
It's been a hard couple of weeks being away from you at work but it's so nice seeing you when I get home, and it's really fun seeing you and your daddy interact.
You're such a good baby, and we love you do much! I love watching you grow.
Love you with all my heart,
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