I hear 3 months is the general guideline, just in case there's a loss. I can understand that, but at the same time that's 3 months excitement out the door!
I guess it depends how open I am to disclosing the ups and downs of my pregnancy. I know people who told everyone (announcing on Facebook) the moment they found out!! I think I'll be somewhere in between. I want to keep it secret for as long as I can so we'd have time to soak it in. Then leak the news to parents and best friends, then maybe once I begin to get phat (yes I spelled it that way on purpose) I'll tell people I work with. Oh, and I don't think I'll be able to help but leak the news here on my blog right away either--Well, after family is informed... It's my diary for goodness sakes, I can't help it if people read it! (If you work with me you'll be sworn to secrecy) Hmm, what would you do if you were me? And what did you do?
Ok and next important matter to discuss... HOW

I'm not sure if he'll be the type to count down to the test date and want to know right away... I imagine he'll forget and I'll be the one alone with my count downs and tests, which is a better set up for a surprise. And what better way to share such exciting news than with a surprise?!
I've heard a few cute things like setting little shoes next to his shoes on the side of the bed. Leaving the test out for him to find. Michelle wrote a whole post with cute ideas!
I already know how I want to tell our parents! I'm not sure if they read my blog... Pretty sure they don't for the most part so I'll share ok?(and if you are reading don't peek!)-- I want to have a normal phone conversation with them, then when we're hanging up say "bye grandma" and hang up, and see how long it takes for them to call back. I dunno, it's an idea I heard of awhile ago and I thought it would be cute.
But other than that I have no idea where to start for ideas, and I'm kind of scared to even research any right now cause I may get too giddy and I don't need giddy right now... I need serious, level headed! So help me out! What did you do? Or what do you plan to do? What's the cutest idea you've heard?! Let's stock up!!
And the winner of the Cloth Diaper Giveaway brought to you by DiaperKits.com is Lucky number Carrie of Make it Count! Woohoo! Get me your information! I also have not one or two but THREE more giveaways coming up! So stay tuned!! And if you have something you're interested in sponsoring here for a giveaway email me at babymakingmachine@gmail.com