Sunday, June 21, 2009

The Parent Days

I guess I should have written something all nice for Father's Day and Mother's Day... Perhaps a tribute to my parents or Hubby's parents. I love them--They know I do. Instead I had fun reading everyone else's tributes to their husbands and wives.

I wasn't planning on writing anything tonight, but then I was thinking--What if this is our LAST Father's Day as non-parents?! Some things couldn't go unsaid.

I felt a twinge of jealousy at times--When we were out around proud parents, enjoying their special day. But I pulled through it--Smiling knowing my time's not far behind (I hope).

I did feel a little guilty accepting the flower at church, given to all of the women for Mother's Day... But not so bad about eating my husband's cookies he got for Father's Day. Cause those were yummy!

Hubs tells me every year on this day he use to watch the US Open with his dad. This year he watched it with Snoop.

I almost got him a card, from me and Snoop but I couldn't find the right one and opted against it.

Looking at all of the parents at my church made me think about how the meaning for the day must be so different for them. Sometimes I envy them, but right now I'm happy to be enjoying where I'm at.

We haven't been trying to become parents our entire marriage, and now that we're thinking about it--Planning to try to take the next step, my perception is changing once again.

...Maybe next year we'll be "real" parents (see big (to me) announcement post below). But for now... We'll take Snoop. He IS our child for-now after all.

Baby 2010... That's the goal.

But for now, I'm very grateful to have my dads... The one who raised me and another who's taken me as his own child through marrying his son. And grateful for the one Father we all have in common.--My dear Father in Heaven.