Pondering over my life, and how I've been approaching becoming a parent made me think about some similarities. Let me put a little disclaimer in here: If you haven't read the entire series... As in not completed Breaking Dawn, you may not want to read any further as my analysis contains some spoilers. Skip to the bottom and enter the giveaway! Bookmark and come back to read the rest when you're done reading!
So, if you're a Twilight fanatic like myself and read Breaking Dawn you may also remember how interesting it was that Bella didn't go after and eat those humans, or her dad. The Cullens guessed that perhaps it's because she had known it would be hard going into it, so she was more prepared for the challenges.
Thinking about this made me wonder if my situation questioning and learning about conception, pregnancy, labor and motherhood will be similar. I am sure I know more about conception than the average Jane. I have friends who are TTC and don't anything about cervical mucus, basal body temperature, or ovulation. It's not that I want to... It's just that I like learning about it.
I've learned conception may not happen as quickly or as easy as I'd like it to, and I think because of what I've learned I'm somewhat prepared for the worst.--Down to knowing what kind of coverage my insurance offers for fertility treatments.
I know pregnancy and labor isn't easy for everyone--But I also know how hard it is for some to achieve I'll be grateful for every minute.
I know not to expect your delivery to go exactly as you plan, because chances are, your plans will change. I've learned epidurals aren't always what they're chalked up to be. --And natural labor may not be that bad.
I've learned parenting isn't always pretty. But I've learned even with the lack of sleep, lack of free time, loosing your privacy (and sometimes dignity) ...it's all worth it to have a child who loves and adores you.
So... Knowing all this, I wonder if it will give me a leg up--An advantage. Sure, I don't know

What do you think?
Ok, so for those of you who are twilight fans like myself, I have a treat for you!
Giggles and Gins Bowtique is giving one of my readers a Twilight-inspired scrabble tile necklace of their choice! So go over there, and pick out your favorite then let me know in the comments which one you like. I have pictured a couple of my favorites but there are SO many to choose from!
Here's a description:
All pendants have been hand made by designer. Pendants have a graphic attached that has been sealed with a water resistant resin which gives it a glass like appearance. I use a 2 part epoxy resin that gives these tiles a nice clear, glossy, glass hard finish. Each pendant has a silver plated bail and will come with an 18 inch ball chain necklace which can be made smaller if needed.
Pendants are water resistant but are not recommended for swimming or bathing.
Some pendants have been embellished with a Swarovski crystal
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Contest ends Tuesday July 7th at midnight! Random.org will choose the winning number. Good luck!