Thursday, October 29, 2009

H1N1 - stands for I'm in hell

I am going to have a bit of a rant now due to my increasing frustration with this H1N1 vaccination roll out. I apologize but I just cannot believe how ridiculous this campaign has been handled.

Brett went today to the North York Civic Centre in Toronto for the first day of the "high risk group" clinic. It opened at noon but people lined up hours before. Brett got there at 1:30 and already the health care workers were setting up an end of the line as they would not have enough to go around.

The gov't has been warning us of the Swine flu threat for months now and urging us to get vaccinated when the vaccine became available. Yet, the vaccine is now "available" but it is almost impossible to get. Who was the brilliant thinker behind only having 10 flu clinics for a population of 2 million??? Not to mention all the red tape that doctors have to jump through to get a supply to give out to their patients.

I cannot believe the line ups or the fact that there is not enough vaccines to go around. I even called around to see if anyone had heard of a black market vaccination clinic. Now there's a thought.....

I'm hoping that the gov't will smarten up and open more clinics with longer hours and get the vaccination to the people. What use is a vaccination if only a small percentage of people can get it?