5 Days past BFP Written 10/20 but saved for today
In order to make things feel more "real" I bought something for the little Spawn. Oh yea, did I mention that's its nickname? I know people have cute names like "sweet pea" "blueberry" I dunno... There's a lot. But one of the first things that came to mind after finding out I was pregnant was "I'm with-spawn."
I know it's kind of alienish, but it's also different, and my little nudge is gonna be different... In a good way of course!
So far I'm the only person who likes it but whatever... I can call it what I want and for now, it's Spawnie! And I think it's cute.
Ok anyway, I went to Babies R' Us today to buy something for my best friend, who is having her baby shower soon, and I bought the CUTEST stuff for her little boy. I also really wanted to buy something for my baby to make this pregnancy feel more real.
I browsed the onesies and couldn't find anything gender-neutral and cute enough. Just when I was giving up (because my impatient husband was ready to go) I saw the cutest thing that I KNOW my baby will look cute in. Boy or girl!
I think I've found a way to cure my fears about something bad happening during pregnancy... Shopping!!
Blog makeover winner according to Random.org: Winner #40 ~Mendie~ . Please email babymakingmachine{at}gmail.com so I can get you in touch with Danielle!