Instead, life goes on... As I know it. I still have the stress of work, bills, and everyday life, along with the additional very time consuming process of growing a baby.
It happened almost immediately. It was the only thing on my mind, the only thing I really wanted to talk about, think about, and focus on, but the unknowing minds have no idea about my... Circumstance. They may not get why I'm staring at the door as if there's a ghost in the threshold. Ticking in my mind is the internal debates: If I should try to stick it out in the crowded meeting room while my head spins from the heat and lightheadedness, or swiftly escape, and run to the bathroom before the saliva running down the sides of my mouth quickly transitions into vomit projecting the other direction.
Hours later I'm scoping out counter space in the back dark room. It's not a pillow, but it'll suffice as a spot for my head to lie for a few glorious moments of rest.
I've been very tired and very nauseous. I haven't puked yet, but I haven't felt up to blogging as much the past few days. But I'm back now... I think... I hope. Oh, and Tuesday is my first LIVE MomTV show at 10:30am EST... Let's pray I still won't be vomiting then! More on that later.
Friday I hit 7 weeks of pregnancy, and I hope every Friday to update what's going on with me according to the Baby Center email I get, and what I read in my weekly update of my iPhone ap "What to Expect." I got this idea from my friend Baby Dicky's blog, so I hope mine will be as fun to read. She's almost done (at 33 weeks!) and I can't wait to catch up!
I was too tired last Friday to write this out, so I'm catching up today!
So according to Baby Center:

How Spawnie's growing:
-Hands and feet are emerging from developing arms and legs — although they look more like paddles.
-Technically, my baby is still considered an embryo (although it's a baby to me) and has something of a small tail, which is an extension of Spawnie's tailbone.
-Spawnie has doubled in size since last week and now measures half an inch long, or about the size of a blueberry. My iPhone ap says it's more about the size of a raspberry... Of course I'd prefer the larger fruit, but as my friends on Twitter tell me "It doesn't matter, in 6 more months it'll be the size of a watermelon and kicking my ribs."
-Eyelid folds partially covering Spawnie's peepers, which already have some color
-Tip of Spawnie's nose and tiny veins beneath parchment-thin skin are also developing.
-Both hemispheres of Spawnie's brain are growing,
-And Spawnie's liver is churning out red blood cells until bone marrow forms and takes over this role.
-My baby also has an appendix and a pancreas now!
-A loop in my baby's growing intestines is bulging into Spawnie's umbilical cord, which now has distinct blood vessels to carry oxygen and nutrients to and from baby's tiny body.
-My uterus has doubled in size in the past five weeks.
-Morning sickness should be kicking in... oh wait, it already has. I'm not throwing up, thank goodness. But I feel on the verge of puking almost constantly.
-I may need to pee more than usual... Yep! Guilty. This is because of my increasing blood volume and the extra fluid being processed through my kidneys. I NEVER use to have to go pee often and now I wake up EVERY NIGHT. It's quite annoying, and I hear it'll only get worse!
-By now, I already have about 10 percent more blood than I did before I was pregnant. And by the end of my pregnancy, I'll have 40 to 45 percent more blood running through my veins.
And I know it's silly for me to take a belly picture already but I figure it's at least a starting point, so don't laugh.
How often did you take belly pictures?
Word from a sponsor: To learn more about being 7 Weeks Pregnant visit Pregnancy Corner.
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