I must say this week has been one full of MAJOR mood swings for me. One day I'm so ready for you to come out and ready to take over my new "mommy role" then the next moment I'm totally freaking out wondering what I was thinking.
Don't you worry little girl, I've read these feelings are normal, and I'm going to be just fine when we meet, it's just scary thinking that the way I've experienced and seen life, my entire life will be completely different in a matter of weeks.
(Note to self... Don't show you this letter until you're old enough to appreciate these labor-signs and emotional roller coasters.)
Anyway, I caught you on camera last week, FINALLY rolling around in there. You always stop when I get the camera out so I bought an app for my iPhone so I now have video capabilities! You weren't as rowdy as you can get but I got a little movement here. Don't mind the background noise, I was watching Forensic Files. Look towards my belly button and you can see your elbow or shoulder or something moving around.
Your eye color is either brown, or maybe grayish. I kind of hope they are gray-looking cause then they can change to one of many colors, and I think you would look so cute with your daddy's eyes. That's the first thing I noticed about him!
I'm predicting you'll decide to come out sometime next week, but I'm still hoping you stick around and come on the 23rd... The day your daddy and I met. Although it would also be pretty cool if you arrived on Father's Day. What a nice present for your dad that would be! I wouldn't even have to get him anything else! As long as you come in June (I like that month better than July) we'll be good. But I don't think that'll be a problem.

I got so much work done at work this week, I finished the 12 extra stories I was trying to get ahead on for maternity leave and now I feel like I'm more relaxed and ready.
Our bags are packed, your daddy and I will put your car seat in hopefully Monday, the same day the cleaners come over and the same day Snoop is getting cleaned up at the groomers. I'm also going to get a nice relaxing manicure and pedicure that day. I already got my hair done this week! So needless to say, I'm on my way to getting fully pampered for the big day!
Don't worry, I'm bringing cute stuff for you to wear too, hats and blankets and bows! I can't wait to dress you up.
Your daddy and I were talking tonight about how we feel about bringing you home. Neither of us are worried about you crying a lot or loosing sleep. I think we just expect it, and are excited for the challenge. Plus, we know it'll all be worth it.
I'm eager to meet you but not in too much of a rush. Something about knowing you'll be here in a few weeks regardless makes me content. We're almost there baby girl! I can't wait to see your beautiful face.
PS: Winner of the ExpectNet.com pool (it's free) gets a $25 gift card to Target! It's just for fun, but I'm loving seeing the guesses! Make sure you include your blog url and/or twitter/email in the "how she knows you" section so I can contact you!For more information about being 38 weeks pregnant be sure to check out Pregnancy Corner. Sponsored
Winner of the Baby Time Bag: Commenter #105 Stephanie from A Life Worth Living.
Winner of the Lillebaby Everywear Carrier #38 Stephanie from Houghton Happenings.
Winner of the artwork from Artistic Sensations #55 Emily from Baby Dickey.
Winner of the Lillebaby Everywear Carrier #38 Stephanie from Houghton Happenings.
Winner of the artwork from Artistic Sensations #55 Emily from Baby Dickey.
Please email babymakingmachine(at)gmail.com with your information and I'll get you in touch with the sponsor. I'll email you sometime this weekend and you'll have 48 hours to respond!
Sad you didn't win a BabyTime bag? The gift code "FUTUREMAMA10"at checkout ill work until the end of the YEAR!