Today is the day I dreamed you would be born. I'm not sure why the date stuck out in my mind but about a month ago I dreamed you'd be born June 19th... Juneteenth actually. There's lots of parades and festivals going on today to celebrate the occasion of the ending of slavery which was officially marked June 19th 1865. Next year I hope to dress you up and bring you to the parade, I think you'll like it!
I'm so excited to do things with you. I know I'm probably going to be really tired a lot, and there will be days when we won't leave the house for one second, but I hope to take you out on walks with Snoop, and get some fresh air together from time to time. I don't want to force it or anything but I think the sooner we attempt to do things together the less scared I'll be as time goes on.
It's really hard for me not to wonder when you're coming. I'm trying to think of ways to take my mind off of constantly wondering... I'm thinking of exciting things to look forward to BESIDES you coming. Of coruse there's nothing as exciting so this is VERY hard.
I'd also like to see Toy Story 3. I would bring you once your out but I figure you can still hear it in my womb and we'll both probably enjoy it more this way. Don't worry, I'll buy it when it comes out on DVD so you can see it. Now I just have to convince your daddy to come with me!
The carpet cleaners are coming Wednesday, I guess that's a little something to look forward to.
I bought you a cute bathing suit yesterday. You don't have one yet but since we live around so much water, and may do a little splashing around this summer I decided to get you one. I think I may also get us a kiddie pool to go in the backyard. I can just picture it now. You me, and Snoop cooling off in the little plastic pool.

Well Lil' J. I hope you're having fun in there. I hope you'll like it more out here and decide to show your pretty face sometime between now and Friday.
A word from a sponsor: For more information about being 39 weeks pregnant check out Pregnancy Corner.***
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