Monday, September 14, 2009

Choosing Someone to Catch the Baby from My Vajayjay

Try visiting your girlie doctor... Being told your insurance doesn't cover the procedure, arguing with them, and calling the insurance company yourself to find out in in fact DOES. Putting your insurance company on the phone with them, they finally agree, but say that you need to pay your $150 deductible.. And that needs to be paid up front (as if they assume you'll run away after in your attempt to evade the GYN bill monster). Then, you wait... And you're called into a little room. Then you wait, and wait, and wait... And Tweet about the long wait.. And consider pulling the dang cord out yourself... You start to consider leaving.... Getting up to put your clothes on. And as if on cue... A knock at the door.

Your doctor comes in, puts your legs in the stirrups, pulls the goalie, and asks if you need another method of birth control prescribed. You tell her you're thinking of using natural prevention measures for now, and she sort of says somethings like "cool" and is outta there like a fat kid in dodgeball! It all happens before you could say your ABCs and you wonder "WTF?"

This was my last experience at my GYN, and I'm not gonna lie, I felt a little violated. I felt rushed, unimportant, and a little like a cow... Or cattle, whatever--It didn't feel good!

She is an OBGYN, but needless to say, I don't want HER delivering my future baby! So... Now I'm faced with the quest of finding a new "female doctor."

I might as well just find an OBGYN, so I can go to the same person pre-and during pregnancy. But get this.. I'm SUPER picky. Ok not really normally, but I kind of want to be for this.

Have you seen Knocked Up? Not the best movie, but there's a scene where the pregnant lady goes to like 10 different doctors and has them give her 10 different ultrasounds and based on their personality, skills, and connection she chooses the doctor she likes best. That's a little how I imagine myself... But I'd rather get the interviews done early.

I've watched one too many episodes of A Baby Story where the mom-to-be is given a time limit for dilating, then they take her to the operation room to be cut open, just cause "it's taking too long." No thank you!

Nothing against C-sections or whatever, but I definitely don't want one if I don't absolutely NEED one. I mean, although it's not the prettiest sight, I'd much rather just get the thing to come out of my Hooha... But it's not even that, bottom line... I want whats best for me and baby, but without feeling rushed, or pushed into anything. NOTHING against anyone who has c-sections, I just want to try to get baby out of my lady parts first if possible.

How did you choose your doctor? My last GYN was referred by a friend. Although it didn't go well, my family doctor was also referred by a friend and he is WONDERFUL. He took the time to talk to me and my husband, answer all of our questions, joke with us. I didn't feel rushed at all. He did give me some recommendations of OBs, so I'll look into that.

So my question is, how do I choose a new OBGYN?... And/or perhaps a Midwife or Doula? I don't want to wait until I'm pregnant to choose one. I'd like to have one in mind before so I know who to call when I'm like "Hey, I'm pregnant, when can I come in?"

My friend Kayce is a midwife assistant and doula in training and I'm ALWAYS asking her questions about labor, delivery, pregnancy, etc. She has a great post with questions to ask a potential doctor/midwife/doula.

*Added* Can I "interview" a midwife before I'm pregnant, or would that be weird? Don't most OBs have midwives too? Do doula's deliver babies alone? If I do interview an OB or Midwife do I pay a copay, does it count as a "visit" like that, or can I do it over the phone? Do they actually schedule time for those things?**

Anything else you can think to add? What should I watch out for? Be aware of? How did you choose yours? Are there good doctor review websites you like? Feed me!!


PS: My BFN story here.
PS: Winner of my JOHNSON'S gift basket giveaway: #39 Mrs. Priss who said: "Glad you're feeling better. I'm a follower" Congrats! email me your address babymakingmachine{at}