Saturday, August 1, 2009

The Wish List: My Push Present Request

I know I told you about Push Presents before... Some of my friends have heard of it and others had no clue what I was talking about. See...that's the fun thing about researching all of this stuff beforehand... I am trying to milk this pregnancy/motherhood thing for all that it's worth!

Of course, the baby is the ultimate present from the whole process, and that's what I REALLY want, but hey--It doesn't hurt to get an extra little somethin' somethin' on the side too right?

In my previous post I pictured some nice princess-cut diamond earrings I could just picture dazzling from my lobes. But after much thought and consideration I looked at the bigger picture... Literally. This is what I want:It's a Digital Canon Rebel XS, an SLR camera. And I want one soooo bad! I know a few friends who have them and I've seen the BEAUTIFUL pictures they take! I can already imagine the art I could make taking pictures of Snoop, and our future kids. I could use it to document photos all throughout my pregnancy!!

But yea, that's the problem... I want it NOW. Not once the baby is born... Kind of like a rain check... An "IOU a baby" if you will.

They retail for about $600 but I've seen them on Amazon for $450. I've also seen them on Craigslist for $400 but hubby's not having that... He would rather me buy it new with a warranty and whatnot. So now here I am brainstorming ways I can "save" extra money to get one. Let's see... There's blood plasma, I could always sell more of my dog collars, and maybe I can sell ad space on this blog or something... I dunno. I also still want to have a mini gettaway the first of September and I have a feeling I'm going to have to choose between the two! ... Or that all of this spending will make him think "Let's wait a few more months," which... Um, isn't worth it to me. Sooooo... What would you do? Decisions, decisions! Ok... Now I know I'm really sounding childish.

But I can't be alone right? Is there something you really really want NOW?! Do you have a nice camera like this? Are they worth it? Tips on where to buy one?