Thursday, October 28, 2010

Fall Fashion - Thursday

I have come down with a terrible case of the horizontal stripes.

Postmodern pirate?

I'm trying to put together Fall Fashion ensembles that don't rely heavily on solids (as I mentioned [much] earlier, I'm kind of pattern-shy). And I'm discovering that I own a ton of horizontal stripes. Yes, indeed. I might just have to dedicate a post to stripes.

Even though I really don't think they do me any favors.

Goth lite?

Thursday Thursday
Thursday Thursday
Nope, my shirt's not on backwards. It's actually lower in the back than it is in the front.
Also? Taking a picture of your own back isn't easy.

(one of my 80 hozillion) Striped top(s) - Thrifted
Vest - Thrifted
Anatomical heart necklace - Paraphernalia, gifted (thanks, Mom!)
Bracelet - Handmade by me!
Snakeskinless flats - Gifted (thanks, honey!)
* * *

Head over to Moms are for Everyone for more (stripey?) Fall Fashion!
